Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Midsomer Madness

When J Kyle is not on, J Nettles is. Midsomer Murders is so delightfully old-fashioned compared to CSI and the like. In Midsomer, surely the most dangerous village on the planet, there being at least 2 murders a week in a population of about 70, you can still find yourself being killed by a flaming arrow shot from a bow at Summer Solstice by a Norwegian man with a beard. In that particularly memorable episode, the villain was captured by him eating a hotdog at a bonfire. I shit ye not.

And that's another thing - they don't edit out the swearing from when it was originally shown post-watershed, so you can hear Sergeant Troy blithely calling people bastards and cursing "shit!" as he stumbles around the countryside after Bergerac - classic.

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